AMB9 - Parker


AMB9 - Parker

AMB9 - Parker

Product description

He came to meet her and parked right outside the Parker, a place like no other. Located in the beautiful Herzeliya park in the center of Israel, this cool hippie bar holds secrets, that open up with every shot swallowed. People holding hands, speaking soft words to each other, relaxing and letting the music take them far away, to a place called Love, where hearts park at each other with no fear, on the contrary; with hope, with permission and knowledge that better days happen only when we decide.  

Consider ordering it on large HD aluminum for a sleek and modern look, or opt for our premium Acrylic glass to preserve its authentic feel. For those seeking a personal touch, explore EYSA's original hand-paintings with mediums including rich oil colors, deep charcoal or vivis pastel to add class and texture that brings your artistic vision to life.

AMB9 - Parker

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Consult? Sure! We love to talk :)


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